
In mythology, it is said that the only God, after a long time that there was no one in existence except himself, created the sun and called it "Ra". After some time, Ra created Shu (SHU) and SHU married Tefnut (his twin). Gab (Earth) and Nut (Heaven), They are the children of Shu and Tefnut. LIA means blessed and auspiciousness. This name is considered equivalent to the name Leia, which is a beautiful name with Hebrew roots. Outside of Iran, Leia is a girl's name in the form of Leia, Leah, Lia and Lea, and it means "bearer of good news" with Greek roots. In Italian, German, it also has a related meaning. Also, the meaning of "I am with God" is mentioned.

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The Structure of the Skin

The surface of the skin, where it is visible to the naked eye and where cosmetic products are used, is also a collection of dead cells. From this level to the bottom, the multiple functions of the skin take place in 3 thin and various layers made up of different connective tissues and structures. The epidermis is the most important concerning the absorption and the effect of cosmetic products. This outermost layer of skin displays health, cleanliness and appearance while protecting the skin from dehydration, bacterial build-up and penetrating substances. The epidermis gives the skin radiance, suppleness, youth and a well-groomed appearance. As your protective barrier, UV radiation, acne, different diseases and cancer mainly affect this layer.


Fargasht Pendar Parsian Company owns the specialized brand of production and distribution of LIASHU cosmetic products (LIASHU) and is also active in carrying out all commercial activities, including trading (buying and selling) of raw materials. The products of this company are licensed by B & SENS in France. Currently, the process of transforming the company into a knowledge-enterprise company is underway.


The products of this company are licensed by B&SENS France. The quality products of this company have been distributed in the countries of Iran, Iraq, and Venezuela, and appropriate activities are underway to supply the products in the countries of Russia, Azerbaijan, and Kyrgyzstan. Fargasht Pandar Parsian's market research department, by studying the markets of the target countries and examining the habits and preferences of consumers, develops the company's product portfolio according to the needs of consumers. The focus of the research and development department of this company is to ensure that its products are produced with cutting-edge technology. Formulating and using the latest scientific achievements without harming the environment, in addition to maintaining personal health, gives natural beauty to everyone. We also try to realize our social responsibility by relying on the quality of our products and obtaining professional approvals from expert doctors.


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Liashu cosmetics
Formulation and raw materials by B&SENS.
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